Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to Wake Up Without an Alarm Clock

The fingernails screeching on a blackboard, the shrill tones of emergency warning systems: few things are as odious as an alarm clock. Humans have survived for most of our history without these noisemakers confused - why do we need one? The answer, of course, is that everyone has one, and would be bad if you were wandering alone in the office two hours late. But as momma said, only because everybody is doing does not mean you should. Wake up naturally is much easier for you, your body will adjust slowly from the depths of sleep a peaceful awakening. Here's how to separate yourself from the alarm clock, without leaving their jobs or dropping out of school.


Get into a rhythm

  1. Determine what you need time to wake up in almost every day. Make your dream this goal.
  2. Use your alarm clock to wake up about the same time every morning. Our bodies of physiological processes are governed by circadian rhythm, a cycle in humans is closely tailored to 24 hours per day. You will get used to waking up. For his training to awaken at the same time each day, "set" of their circadian rhythm.
  3. Calculate how much sleep you really need. Depending on your age, you probably need 7-10 hours of sleep each night. Individual sleep needs vary, however. Get adequate rest is the most obvious way to help you get up whenever you want.
  4. Go to bed at approximately the same time every night. Once you know if you have to get up and how much sleep you need, you can determine what you need time to go to sleep. While it may initially find it difficult to go to bed at the same time every night, if you make an effort to do so will be easier with time.
  5. Wean you off the alarm. After just one week of using a regular bed time and wake-up time, you should be able to awaken the correct time without your alarm. The most consistent is your timetable, the better, but even if they occasionally go to bed later or before its usual time, your body still feel ready to stand up to their scheduled time.

Use your senses

  1. Watch your sleep environment and decide what you can control. Awakening can be triggered by external signals such as light and sound, so that the effectiveness of alarm. These triggers can override the circadian rhythm.
  • Light: Your mind will respond to light and will take you out of sleep. Leave your curtains or blinds open to awaken with the sunrise. Close them if they need to sleep later. Adjust the position of his bed to capture the light at the right time-you may have to move his bed from time to time from the sun hit her room at an angle slightly different as the seasons progress. If you are camping, locate your tent so that the sun hit him unhindered (Make sure there are no trees, hills, etc. prevent the sun hitting their tent early in the morning). Remember that the sun rises in the east, in the northern hemisphere-south face orientation will receive more sunlight and in the southern hemisphere north-facing orientation will get more, but unless you are trying to awaken when the sun is high in the sky, you still want to tackle this sun when it rose. As stated earlier, the position of your bed will depend largely on the season, and the time you want to wake up. If you need to get up before the sun rises, put the lights in his room a timer can also help, since this may not seem as disruptive as an alarm clock.
  • Sound: noise (such as that annoying alarm) also conducts sleep. Identify what sounds occur regularly around where to sleep and when they occur. The trains, cars, animals and other people doing regular tasks can serve as signals to wake up. You can take advantage of this by pointing out what you wakes up and when. Consider leaving your window open to capture more sounds.
  • Temperature: Your body is sleeping very sensitive to temperature. If you turn your heat down at night and has a timer on your thermostat, you can adjust the heat again about an hour before you want to wake up. Assuming you are at a comfortable temperature to sleep all night, this should prompt you to awaken. You can also use the temperature in conjunction with the light, the sunlight from her bed hitting it directly heated. You may even be able to choose what you use blankets so that you will be comfortable throughout the night (their body temperature is reduced after midnight), but starting to get too hot as your body temperature rises naturally (irrespective the external temperature), towards the end of its cycle of sleep. If you wish to take a brief nap outside on a hot day (when you are camping or backpacking, for example), you can choose a place to sleep where you will be in a shadow initially, but where is finally under the sun.
  • Smell: If you drink coffee regularly, the easiest way to use smell as a trigger for awakening is to put your coffee in your room and set your timer for just before awakening when it wants. The brewing coffee may coax you out of sleep, and if you're tired when you wake up, you do not have a long way to go for a cup of joe.
  • Feeling: Drink a tall glass of water before bedtime. You will find that you wake up very quickly.

Set your alarm clock mental

  1. Recognize that scientists have been unable to demonstrate that the "mental alarm" can or should work effectively. That said, many people swear by it. Others report that makes them tensely to see your watch every 30 minutes to ensure they do not oversleep. If you want to experience, follow these steps:
  2. Determine what you need time to wake up. Unlike the previous method, this method does not require that you wake up at the same time each morning. Scientists have discovered that about an hour before a person waiting to wake up, the body begins the release of a relatively high concentration of adrenocorticotropin hormone in the blood. They believe that this can prepare the person to wake up. If this is true, you need only the prompt release of this hormone at the right time.
  3. Please note the time of going to bed.
  4. Calculate the number of hours before his intention touch of time. If possible, try to sleep at a multiple of about 90 minutes; their sleep cycle is repeated in about 90 minutes (this can differ from one person to another). You can use this to their advantage, as it is easier to arouse the most lightweight (final) of its cycle of sleep. Intuitively, since sleep, more time spent in the slightest level of sleep.
  5. Envision your playing time. As you lie down in bed, thinking about the time you want to wake up. Visualize a clock with the time that he, and lifted its view at that time. You may even be helpful to tell yourself out loud, "I will wake up (the desired time)." While this may sound silly, controlled experiments have shown that many people can use these techniques successfully and regularly awaken to the proper time without using an alarm or other external trigger. How the brain manages to keep track of the hours is unknown.
  6. Use your alarm clock as a backup. If you have an alarm clock available, and it is absolutely necessary to awaken at any given time, it is best to put it shortly after you wake up usually only in cases where this method does not work. In addition, using an alarm clock can also help you get up before the alarm goes off because you really expect awake at that time. This strong expectation that the early release of adrenocorticotropin. While the addition of this step is not really free of the alarm clock, you may still be able to enjoy without the harsh awakening jolt of alarm.

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