Thursday, September 25, 2008

How to Set the Alarm Clock on a Motorola RAZR Phone

Not only hatred when just one hour sleep too long and now you're late for work again, for the third day of this month? Set the alarm for his Motorola Razr phone can help stop this problem!


  1. Locate and open your Motorola RAZR phone.
  2. Select the Menu button.
  3. Go to the Tools menu and configuration.
  4. Select the Tools button.
  5. Scroll down and click the alarm clock.
  6. Select the OK button.
  7. Choose the time wishing that the alarm will go off, as well as the melody you want to be awakening!
  8. Select the Save button.
  9. Their alarm has been set.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How to Choose an Alarm Clock

Alarm clocks are very reliable for people today. Not only that tell us what time it is, but set reminders at specific times. These reminders can be anything from a person awakening, taking medication, or use it in the kitchen like an oven timer. However, not all brands and styles have the same characteristics. Read about how to find the alarm clock for you.


  1. Decide if you want a digital or analog clock.
  2. Choose your alarm clock to the characteristics of more than appearance. You do not want something that looks nice, pretty, or high-tech, and then discover that you can do anything you wanted it to do.
  3. Think about what you will use your alarm. Most of the current clocks have radios installed in them, so you may awaken to music or use it to a radio staff. Some people buying watches because they prefer to use it to tell the time, not for the alarm system (as it could have a secondary alarm or some other way to awaken).
  4. Compare prices and brands. Stay with the best known of generics, which will resolve any future guess that mark to ensure better quality and more usage time without breaking, wear or breakage / die. The higher the price, the more features and quality you have. This is where you'll have to choose what you want in an alarm clock.
  5. Remember how loudly some alarms can get. Depending on the brand, some have dials on noise or soft you want it to be. However, most classic watches have bells attached to the top ring that clash or until they turn it off. If you have a clock radio, adjust the volume to a reasonable accommodation - you may very end surprising for a clumsy song or commercial.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to Stop Hitting the Snooze Button

If not bounce energetically out of bed in the morning, you're part of a large group of people with the same problem. But take heart, here are some changes to make it easier to get up!


  1. Relax before going to bed. Taking a hot bath, read a book, listen to music. Enjoy your sleep more!
  2. Get more sleep. When most people complain about how hard it is lifted, because it is not going to bed early enough! Awakening is easier if you get more sleep.
  3. Keep the TV off! His mind continues to monitor television sounds even after you fall asleep. Set for standby mode or better yet, do not have it!
  4. If you have to get up at night, be prepared to use a low-light device as a nightlight or candles instead of turning the lights. His brain reacts to the bright lights of doing more awake, and it will be harder to come back to sleep.
  5. By contrast, in the morning when you have to get out of bed, turn on the light before you roll over could help reduce the number of snooze you need. This is because your brain will react with light.
  6. If you drink coffee, get a coffee maker with a timer. Prepare before going to bed, set it for 30 minutes before your alarm and not just coffee will be ready when you get up, the smell of fresh coffee can help you get out of bed.
  7. If you really struggling this advice is probably better. Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room. You have no choice but to respond to it, and before you know it, you will be out of your bed. It works best if you share your home with others so that should not bother to respond.
  8. Establish a second alarm on your mobile phone, computer, another alarm clock, or whatever you can hear what you need to say. Put another alarm of its coffee in the bathroom, ground floor in the room, or what works in your home. Then put it about 5 minutes after the first of its alarm clock regularly. When you wake up, you know that you need to go and shut off the second alarm before it also shut down.
  9. If all else fails, blocking the alarm clock in a box with a combination lock and attach the internal clock of an external speaker stereo speaker. That way you'll have to turn on the light and the combination of work before we can turn it off.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to Know How Much Sleep You Need

Do you feel sleepy? Unable to stop the yawn? Maybe you do not get as much sleep you need. Sleep is important, even a night of insufficient sleep can affect your reaction time and mental functioning, and chronic sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on your immune system and help develop a range of serious ailments. Here are some tips to help determine how many hours of sleep you need.


  1. Determine the time you wake up every morning. Set your alarm for that time. If possible, set alarms to wake up early to gradually awaken.
  2. Refraining from alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and drugs that can affect your sleep. Continue the non-use of these products during the duration of the test (Consult your doctor before abstention prescribed medicines).
  3. Go to sleep every night when you feel tired. If you can not fall asleep quickly, stand up and read, doodle, or make some other low-impact activity until you feel tired enough to sleep. At first you can get up before the desired time, but his body must adapt to a few days.
  4. Try to avoid taking naps. If you need to take a catnap of 10-15 minutes is fine, but others just go to bed when you're tired, although it is early in the evening.
  5. Follow the routine for two weeks. After two weeks your body is known to have to get up to, for example, 7 am, so you start to feel tired at midnight if your body needs 7 hours of sleep.
  6. Adjust your bedtime, as required to offset the new touch of times.